Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Hate exercise? - a powerful solution

According to one article I read, most women do not like to exercise or do sports.


I'm not surprised. Personally I hate exercise. All those reps and circuits can get so boring.
Sports was more my thing. Especially team sports.
Playing a sport is what people do together, and so it becomes more about the social aspect of the activity instead of the activity itself. But it requires a level of commitment that most women cannot give when they're building careers and families. Nobody wants to let their team down by not showing up because they had to work late or attend to their families.

So we're left with exercise as the only way to keep fit and healthy. Bleh!

Each minute, each rep feels like a lifetime.

I've tried many different approaches to this, to try and enjoy it and hopefully do more exercise.

But it doesn't change the boring-ness of exercise.
Sports was also a mental game. There was strategy involved.
Exercise only requires that you're able to count reps.

So if you're not a gym-bunny nor an exercise junkie, what's next?

Forget the motivational quotes and pep-talks. It doesn't work here, and doesn't last longer than that first minute into the exercise routine.

When you know you have to do something about your weight, your health or your fitness and you don't have a personal trainer to push you and hold you accountable, then there's only one thing left to do. 

In the words of another famous sports brand: Just do it!