Tuesday 26 May 2015

Thank you!

Friniggi Sportswear will be closing its online store indefinitely. 

This was  a difficult decision to make, but one that had to be made nonetheless.

I have met the most incredible women from around the world whilst providing them with sportswear.
And I enjoyed this part the most.

I have not written off Islamic Sportswear for good, and may yet return to this game to serve the needs of sporting sisters everywhere.

My "mission" with friniggi Sportswear for Muslim women was to contribute to the development of Muslim women sports. I will continue this mission in another way, another platform.

Watch this space as friniggi.com evolves into its new phase.

Thank you for your support over the years, and I hope you will continue the journey with me into our new project.

Peace, love and light


  1. Fatima, I wish you much success and see your site evolves.

  2. Thanks Tiffany! Good to hear from you too.

  3. I loved my top and wish you success in your future

  4. Fatima, your Muslim sportswear has empowered me to be more active and athletic than I ever have and be proud of my look while doing it. Thank you for all you've provided and inspired and I'm really looking forward to what you do next. Wishing you great success.

    1. Dear Anonymous, Thank you for your kind comments and feedback. I wish I knew your name, because I'm sure to recognise it. I know all my customers;) And yes, let's look ahead!

  5. Aww I'm sad to see you're closing down - Friniggi is unique!! I'll cherish the tops I have from you, are you going to do a closing down sale? Good luck with your next venture, Allah willing, it will be a great success. Please know that you have absolutely made a huge difference to many, many women. More than you know.

    1. Thanks Daphne, you inspire me. Keep up with roller derby! Insha Allah, I will continue to serve Muslim female athletes in whatever way I can. Stay in touch, you know how to reach me.

  6. Dear Fatima:

    I don't know you, but I have admired from afar your line of sportswear for the past couple of years. I had finally put aside enough to order one of your sports hijabs today, but I see that you have closed your store. Yes, I am disappointed, but I will hope that I can get one sometime in the future!

    In the meantime, I wish you every success - and I appreciate what you have done to help Muslim women be more active. I appreciated reading your story so very much - your describe very accurately the very issues I have experienced in seeking to be active. Thank you - it was a wonderful connection to make!

    1. Dear Life As It Is, I'm a writer at heart, and appreciate that I was able to connect with you through my words. Regarding sports hijabs, could you contact me at info@friniggi.com ?

      Hope to hear from you
      All the best

  7. Assalaamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu... Only recently came across your website..soo sorry you have closed your store SubhanAllah... Could you suggest alternatives...I used to go gym but due to a number of factors had to stop...hardest part was finding a comfortable scarf that was sweat friendly!!! And did not need constant adjustments.. Jzkhair sister

  8. Wa alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister. Insha Allah, the I may return to it. But in the meantime you can check out this post by fellow sports blogger, Shireen Ahmed, with recommendations: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/mmw/2015/06/sports-hijab-industry-wins-or-does-it/

  9. assalamualeikum! How can i get this hijab?? Im in big need! Im a personal trainer and do work out a lot, i really need a good comfortable hijab to wear at work and in the gym.

    1. Dear anonymous, Please contact me at info@friniggi.com . Thanks.


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